{"translation-revision-date":"2021-02-25 11:55:31+0000","generator":"GlotPress\/3.0.0-alpha.2","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"es"},"By":["por"],"No posts yet":["Todav\u00eda no hay entradas"],"Oops, our posts aren't loading right now":["Vaya, nuestras entradas no se est\u00e1n cargando justo ahora"],"Read {{link}}the WooCommerce blog{{\/link}} for more tips on marketing your store":["Lee el {{link}}blog de WooCommerce{{\/link}} para m\u00e1s trucos sobre c\u00f3mo hacer marketing en tu tienda"],"There was an error loading recommended extensions.":["Ha habido un error al cargar las extensiones recomendadas."],"There was an error loading installed extensions.":["Ha habido un error al cargar las extensiones instaladas."],"There was an error trying to activate the extension.":["Ha habido un error al intentar activar la extensi\u00f3n."],"The extension has been successfully activated.":["La extensi\u00f3n se ha activado correctamente."],"Grow your customer base and increase your sales with marketing tools built for WooCommerce":["Aumenta tu base de clientes e incrementa tus ventas con las herramientas de marketing creadas para WooCommerce"],"Hide":["Ocultar"],"Learn the ins and outs of successful marketing from the experts at WooCommerce.":["Aprende los entresijos de un marketing de \u00e9xito de los expertos de WooCommerce."],"WooCommerce knowledge base":["Base de conocimientos de WooCommerce"],"Great marketing requires the right tools. Take your marketing to the next level with our recommended marketing extensions.":["Un gran marketing necesita las herramientas adecuadas. Lleva tu marketing al siguiente nivel con nuestras extensiones de marketing recomendadas."],"Recommended extensions":["Extensiones recomendadas"],"Installed marketing extensions":["Extensiones de marketing instaladas"],"Finish setup":["Finalizar configuraci\u00f3n"],"Get support":["Obtener soporte"],"Activate":["Activar"],"Dashboard":["Escritorio"],"Docs":["Documentaci\u00f3n"],"Settings":["Ajustes"]}},"comment":{"reference":"packages\/woocommerce-admin\/dist\/chunks\/marketing-overview.js"}}